The Argyle MVP

Yet another Teams blog but this one by Masters & MVP's

Lync Server 2013

Centralized Logging in Lync 2013

So one of the items that may make some people uncertain at first, is the fact that OCSLogger is missing from servers and it doesn’t sound like it’s coming back anytime soon.  What replaces it now, is Centralized Logging Service (CLS).  The major difference between CLS and the old method is that when you do a trace, it occurs on all servers in the pool at once – hence the term centralized.

All of this is controlled by the CLSAgent that is running on every server.  I haven’t dug into the edge components yet, but will update and report back as soon as I get more information on how you connect to it, etc.

Now CLS is controlled via a command line process which looks like this:

  • ClsController.exe -start –scenario <scenario> –pools <pool fqdn>
  • Reproduce the Issue
  • ClsController.exe -stop –scenario <scenario> –pools <pool fqdn>
  • ClsController.exe -flush –pools <pool fqdn>
  • ClsController.exe -search –pools <pool fqdn> –components <component> –loglevel <loglevel>

Check out Jens Trier Rasmussen’s blog article on the details of each scenario, etc.

So Jens has detailed the process really well, so what exactly am I blogging about at this point in time?  How to automate the process a bit.  I’ve very impressed with CLS and like it a bunch but I know that I don’t stand a chance of memorizing all of the scenario values.  My guess is that we will see an official GUI at some point in time that is basically doing what I’m doing here, but figured I would toss something together quickly as I have some tracing to do.

So what I have done is created a DOS Batch file (yep – remember DOS).  So how does it work:

>LyncLogging.bat <poolname> <filename>

At the end, the output will create the trace file which can be opened up via Snooper.  You can download my very unfancy batch file here.

You need to rename the LyncLogging.txt to LyncLogging.bat.

I will be updating the script at some point in time so you can limit the search results to a smaller subset using the components command.  Might also move it to PowerShell GUI option as well.  Been looking for a good project to drop into PowerShell.

Hopefully you find it somewhat useful.

UPDATED: Ports 50001 to 50003 need to be open for each server.  Windows Firewall is modified as part of the installer, but if you have a DMZ to the edge, then you need to be opening up these ports for Edge Traffic.



  1. FYI, you have a typo in the menu. You have IM and Presence as Option 11 with no Option 12 but in the batch file, you have IM and Presence as 12 instead of 11.

    Thanks for the script. Works easily.


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